
10 Ways to Bring Back the Romance

Romance has the ability to bring us pleasurable feelings of being wanted by someone else. But it can bring the worst kind of emotional pain imaginable when things don't work. At the beginning of a relationship you probably have a strong infatuation to your newly found love which allows you to fall into the belief that you've found "the one." Finally, your dream has come true. Sadly, these wonderful feelings fade within a few months of being together. So the question remains - how do you bring back the romance and rekindle those breathtaking emotions that you felt the beginning of a relationships?
Here are ten suggestions to try with your partner that will rekindle the romance and help you fall in love all over again!
           1. Issues that unexpectedly spring up may be emotionally hurtful to deal with but they may also be the best chance for you and your partner to start healing your disagreements. Talking and sharing one another's feelings builds intimacy. A problem can start to drive you apart - but see it as an opportunity to view problems for improving your relationship. Find the heart of the problem and discuss it in a loving non-judgmental way. Really listen to what your partner has to say.
          2. If you begin to experience emotional pain due to a relationship related problem, do not bring distance between you and your partner. This is a vulnerable time where you must remain close by spending time together while moving closer both physically and emotionally.
       3 .Tell your partner what you are feeling. Communicating your fears helps heal the problems in a relationship. Ask your partner what they are feeling too. An honest talk about your own feelings might actually encourage your partner to talk as well.
      4. Try to maintain emotional awareness and realize that some feelings may be triggered by subconsciously responding to outside influences. These hidden emotions that you aren't even aware of can even trigger your partner's own negative feelings. Be willing to take responsibility for your actions and release your insecurities.
    5. You can maintain that heart-thumping feeling simply by appreciating your partner and expressing your love for them daily. Learn to appreciate and love your partner's strengths while accepting their weaknesses. Show them regularly how much you love them the way you did at the beginning of the relationship.
         6. When your partner disappoints you in some way, don't sulk. Instead, give them back what you wanted from them first. Give your partner exactly the thing you are lacking. It will surprise you to see how soon you'll receive the same thing right back.
          7. When you're in a relationship, sex can be a wonderful way of expressing love. This allows sex to change from a purely physical experience to one that is a kind of emotional sharing. Become a giving partner as you have sex and connect with strong eye contact. This creates a higher level of intimacy between you and your partner.
           8. Don't be afraid to try something new in the bedroom. Try a new position or introduce a toy to spice things up. But be sure to discuss the change with your partners before things get heated up in bed. Make sure you and your partner are both comfortable with the change. If one of you finds this new idea distasteful or uncomfortable, it can be counter protective.
           9. After an argument, apologize if you feel you behaved badly. Recognize that your partner will also be feeling awful after a heated discussion. Allow yourself to move forward and forgive each other as soon as you can. After you've both cooled down, begin communicating about what issues really created the argument in the first place.
      10. Romance dwindles because partners allow distance to spread between them. What you give in a relationship is what you will receive. Ask yourself - how much are you giving to your partner unconditionally? You will find love soon returning to the relationship once you learn to give without any expectation of receiving.

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