
Love Signs That Say He Loves You

      Have you been dating a guy for a while and are wondering if he is falling in love with you? You know, sometimes trying to figure out if a man is in love with you can be very confusing and frustrating. But it doesn't have to. There are some signs that scream he loves you. And if you know what to look for you will be able to eliminate confusion and frustration immediately. So here we go. Here are a couple of love signs that mean he loves you.
      The first sign is that he no longer has a desire to kick it with the boys all the time. Now his focus is on you and only you. He wants to spend as much time with you as he can. He always stays in contact with you. Whether it be via text, email or a sweet little phone call. He always wants you to know that you are on his mind. This is not something that guys usually do. So if he is doing it, know that he is headed towards, or already in love with you.
      Another sign that he loves you is if he does little small sweet things for you all the time. Guys usually don't express themselves in words. They express themselves by doing things. If he offers to take your car to the carwash, that's his way of saying he let me do this for you so you don't have to worry about it. Guys are more about action. They express their love by protecting you and taking care of you.
So pay close attention to the little things he does. They are all small, subtle signs that say he loves you.